Maintaining a competitive edge in the foodservice landscape is no easy task. As any restaurant operator can confirm, succeeding in the modern marketplace requires constant innovation and the ability to capitalize on the latest trends. This is especially true amid the pandemic.
Here are a few restaurant growth strategies to keep business moving forward through the next year and beyond.
Invest in your employees
Personnel is the most vital component of a restaurant’s continued growth and ability to adapt. From the moment guests step in the door, their experience is dictated largely by the restaurant’s team. Proper training is essential to maintain the quality of these experiences, but training sessions should also be future-focused. Tie training to changes in your menu, changes in sanitation best practices, changes in trends surrounding customer preferences and even to new technologies the business will be utilizing. Be aggressive in deciding what training to apply and the restaurant will be better for it.
Embrace innovation
A restaurant’s innovative opportunities can take on several different forms, from new menu ideas that service market trends to cocktails that give the business a unique identity and set the restaurant apart. Innovation doesn’t need to end there, however. Revamping the very look and feel of a restaurant can give the business a more modern vibe, and is a great way to keep the aesthetic of a brand prominent in every capacity. This is especially true given this year’s disruption in service. As things go back to normal – or as restaurant operators implement lasting changes, rebranding or revamping to reflect those changes can be helpful in refreshing diners’ memories of past experiences there. Make sure to include events or promotions as part of those innovations. If an event supports the brand’s identity and is sure to bring customers through the door, there’s really no reason not to pursue it actively.
Capitalize on new technology
Throughout the course of any restaurant’s existence, it’s not uncommon to encounter several new forms of technology. This trend will continue, and it’s important for operators to embrace and utilize them when possible. Just as computerized tickets, automated cleaning solutions and tabletop kiosks are benefiting the industry, new technologies will continue to make restaurants more productive. Be on the lookout for new technologies and understand what they can do for the restaurant business. Adopting the right ones could have a big payoff.
Make use of social media – but not all media
If a restaurant is not already active on social media, it’s time to establish a presence. The power of this cost-effective marketing platform cannot be overstated -provided it’s done with a targeted approach. Just as restaurants can’t possibly carry menu items for every cuisine taste, they also cannot effectively manage every social media channel. Instead, make sure the restaurant appears properly on search sites like Google and Yelp, and then embrace a couple of social media channels to spend time actively cultivating a following on. Commit to regular posting on these select channels and enjoy far better interaction than trying to hit all channels at once but doing so sparsely.
All restaurants have to do is keep up their social media presence to build a community of followers who interact with the restaurant from one innovation to the next.
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