Everything You Need to Know to Start a New Restaurant

TRG How to Start a New Restaurant


First, congratulations on wanting to start your own restaurant. This is no small undertaking. It starts with a vision, and entrepreneurs are visionaries.

So, where do you start? You have an idea, but then what? You’ll need a location, a restaurant brand, a menu, staff, kitchen equipment, marketing and advertising, and so on. But how do you prioritize your tasks and measure your success? And before you start anything, how can you make sure your concept will succeed in your desired food genre in the location you’re considering?

A feasibility study

Our restaurant consulting firm, The Restaurant Group, can provide you with a feasibility study to confirm the validity of your idea and possibly identify some areas perhaps you haven’t considered so far on your journey as restaurant owner. While there is a cost associated with a restaurant feasibility study, look at it as an investment before you get too deep in the process and realize there are things you just didn’t consider.

Concept and brand development

You’re already ahead of the game by having the idea for your new restaurant. But something to consider is competition — what will bring customers into your restaurant? And what will set your brand apart from those in your same food space? Will you consider franchising in the future? While some aspects of restaurant ownership may seem distant on the horizon, it’s still a good idea to plan for where you want to go to determine the best way to get there.

Business plan and restaurant design

Visionaries often start out flying by the seat of their pants, then realize how critical a business plan is to the end goal. A key part of owning a restaurant is the overall design and kitchen layout for optimal staff performance, service, and quality. Overwhelmed yet? If yes, it’s natural and normal to feel as such, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Before you get too down in the weeds, remember to pat yourself on the back. Launching a restaurant is no small feat. It takes courage, perseverance, and creativity. You’re already halfway there, and that’s something to celebrate. We’d love to partner with you on this journey and offer you our expertise.

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