6 Top 2019 Restaurant Trends (Part II)

2019 Restaurant Trends

2019 Restaurant Trends

Making Services Automatic (Introducing the Bots):

Many restaurants are moving into 2019 and are looking to bots to make most kitchen and service workers obsolete. Yes, this means “poof” people have no jobs. Robots around the world are starting to do amazing things such as producing 120 made-to-order pizzas an hour (more than any human could reasonably produce). People simply use touch-screens to select their preferences, pay via card or cash into a machine, and pick up their pizzas when they are ready. No people required.

This has led to many workers saying they would prefer job security over higher wages. Also translated to: They would rather be paid lower wages (think $8 to $10 an hour versus the $15 an hour that has been demanded in the past).

Some cutting-edge restaurants are seeking to move to a total “bot staff” and replace all human workers. Not only does this put jobs in jeopardy but restaurant owners like it because it will mean they don’t have to pay wages and it will put additional money in their pockets.

Food From Every “Stan”:

Many more ethnic food joints are popping up all throughout the US. As immigration becomes more common and widespread and people move here from places across the globes with unique cuisine, the, they are coming to the States and opening restaurants to share authentic cuisines from their homelands with Americans eager and willing to try it!

Many of these immigrants as of late come from places such as Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan and have brought authentic dining experiences “from all the ‘Stans'” to the US for Americans to enjoy.

They often cook with ingredients we use but they show us how to use them in whole new ways. These common foods include things like eggplant, beans, and noodles, but they use them to make entirely different dishes than anyone in the US would think to make with them. They also cook with spices like dill and cilantro. These are foods Americans are familiar with but they provide a totally new take on these foods and make it a new dining experience for many in America.

Adding Coke to Your Coke?

As marijuana is becoming legal for recreational use in many states, some restaurants are capitalizing on the opportunity to make money by adding different compounds to drinks like Beer and Soda. THC-infused beverages are estimated to rake in billions in the coming years as more and more states continue to legalize marijuana and make it so that restaurants can infuse their drinks with different products to boost sales while staying within the confines of the laws. Lots of people are liking the idea of coke infused coke including vegans and vegetarians and many who are on health kicks and want to reap the benefits of THC-infused drinks. The rest of the populations are likely to follow.


Moreover, as we move from traditional sit-down restaurants to a market over-saturated with fast-casual dining restaurants, young Millennial diners are sacrificing the service of having a waitress or waiter per say  without sacrificing a quality meal with upscale, pricey foods that continue to be sold.

While Millennial diners enjoy these types of fast-casual restaurants, many more families who are not seeing their paychecks increase are enjoying more meals at home. These families are simply they try to save money and cut the cost of dining out frequently as those prices to continue to rise.

Restaurant owners are interested in what the legalization of marijuana might mean for increased profits from THC-laced and hemp-infused drinks.

Finally, restaurant workers are finally beginning to realize that lower wages may be better than not having job security as bots threaten to rid the industry of as many human workers and allow machines to do all the work.

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