Currently, the top marketing trend for restaurateurs involves the use of social media sites. Facebook of course heads the list of the top most popular and successful sites to advertise on.
However, Google+ and Twitter have become equally as important. The key to making these sites work for you is in making a commitment to maintain and follow up with key information on a daily basis; otherwise like any other tool when not utilized properly results will be unstable at best. While many business owners see this as just another chore, having a successful Facebook presence can increase revenue as well as your customer base. If done right, using social media for marketing can be easy and profitable.
The effectiveness of using social media has been well researched and proven to be an excellent source of marketing for almost every business, with the restaurant business having a particularly good track record. According to, the following is a list of some do’s and don’ts which will be helpful in enabling you to achieve your desired outcome.

Put all your relevant business information on your Facebook/social media site.
This includes hours, your address, and a little blurb about your location, as well as, a link to your website. Doing this enables customers to find you easily and provides answers to most of the basic information they will want to know.
Advertise your specials. Specifically, deals on food and drink items.
If people are interested in your restaurant, they will “like” your page and if they “like” your page they’ll see what you are advertising. By advertising your specials, you are increasing the chances of the word getting out to your customers, thus increasing the number of clientele. Many places fail because while they may have great specials, no one knows about them. So take advantage of the online followers and their ability to spread the word.
Be professional, but fun.
It’s okay to have a light, playful tone however do not lose your sense of professionalism. It’s important to find a good balance. Too friendly or risqué, you may alienate some of your potential clients, but at the same time if you’re too stiff you run the risk of scaring off the younger crowd.
Don’t spam your followers.
When a potential customer “likes” your page they are doing so because they want updates and enjoy patronizing your locale. This doesn’t mean they want to read about it 50 times a day. It becomes annoying to the point that you run the risk of having them either delete or block you. Keep your updates to a minimum. Once daily for specials, preferably two a day, morning and evening. Particularly if your establishment is fairly new to the area. Also, keep posts to things that are important. Special events, drink and meal specials or other items of interest that will bring customers in.
Don’t ignore your followers.
Your goal is to establish a good rapport with your customers. Having a relationship, albeit a professional, even online relationship can be fun and encourage not only repeat business but word of mouth referrals as well. Although there may occasionally be posts which are better left unanswered, those that are friendly, i.e. thanking you for a nice evening, or complaints that should be resolved should not be left unanswered.
If you need help with your restaurants marketing or branding efforts, contact TRG Restaurant Consulting.
info@TRG 877-777-6175