Sustainable Restaurants
According to a recent study by the National Restaurant Association (NRA), an increasing number of restaurants are employing methods designed to make sustainability an integral part of their businesses processes. The survey, which explored the sustainability practices of 500 restaurant owners and managers, found also that transparency in menus is becoming more important to sustainability efforts.
Food Waste
Restaurateurs are becoming more conscious of reducing food waste. According to the study, 47 percent say they track food waste their business leaves behind. Thirty-two percent independent eateries track their own waste, while a full 60 percent of franchisees and restaurant chain do so. Twenty-two percent have donated leftover food. Of the others, 54 percent claim they don’t donate leftovers to charity because of health and safety concerns, 23 percent say it’s too much hassle, 22 percent cite regulatory issues, 18 percent say they don’t donate because of transportation concerns, while 17 percents cite poor storage or refrigeration. Fourteen percent compost materials in an effort to cut down on waste.
Restaurateurs have also aimed to reduce waste by recycling. Sixty-five percent of those surveyed by the NRA said they recycle paper and cardboard, 64 percent grease, oils and fats, 29 percent tough plastics, 29 percent metal or aluminum cans, 26 percent recycle glass, while 22 percent say they recycle malleable plastic products such as bags and cling wrap.
One key factor in maintaining a sustainable restaurant resides in packaging. Convenience, sanitation, economic and environmental concerns are important things to consider when designing your restaurant’s packaging. In fact, many restaurateurs have paid deference to the environment with materials that can be recycled or composted. Seventy-two percent say they’ve purchased supplies or packaging with recyclable contents, whereas 56 percent said they’ve purchased some supplies or packaging that have been certified as compostable.
Energy-efficient Equipment
Another thing restaurateurs are doing to keep their businesses sustainable is using energy-efficient equipment to conserve on both lighting and water. Seventy-nine percent of those surveyed said they use LED or CFL lighting, while 61 percent have installed programmable HVAC thermostats. Forty-six percent said they use refrigerators that have been Energy Star-rated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Forty-four percent, meanwhile, said their restaurants use low-flush toilets, while a significant number say they use EPA Energy Star-rated freezers and dishwashers: 41 and 25 percent respectively.